Forgetfulness During Aura Stage of Migraines

Many people can feel a migraine coming on. Others experience no symptoms at all. In a few migraine sufferers, the aura stage often precedes a migraine and lets them know a headache is on the way. Sometimes the aura stage continues during the migraine attack.
    • Migraines can be debilitating


    • Up to 20 percent of all people who suffer from migraines also suffer from the migraine phase called the aura stage. This stage occurs before the actual migraine hits. The prodromal stage is another name for the aura stage. The term "prodromal stage" is used when the aura stage occurs during the migraine and not before.

    Identifying Features

    • The aura stage has many identifying features. The symptoms that people can suffer from during the aura stage include visual problems such as seeing jagged lines, flashing lights, distorted things (as in what they see). Items may appear closer or further away than what they really are. Other symptoms of the aura state include, but are not limited to, dizziness, forgetfulness, ringing of the ears, numbness of body parts and irritability. Some people even smell things that aren't there.


    • Some people may experience forgetfulness during the aura stage of the migraine. They may not remember who they were talking to, what they were doing, what they were saying or even where they are at. Some people may forget nearly everything. It is not uncommon for people to experience forgetfulness during this stage of a migraine. If you experience forgetfulness, you should consult your doctor. It could be a sign of a serious condition.

    Time Frame

    • The aura stage beings anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes before the actual migraine begins. The symptoms may end when the migraine begins, but many migraine sufferers experience the aura symptoms during the actual migraine as well.


    • If you experience aura and migraine symptoms, you need to see a doctor. Your doctor may want to be sure of what is causing all the migraine and aura pain. Your doctor may prescribe a medication which will help relieve some, if not all, of the symptoms that occur with the aura stage.


    • If you are taking medication for your aura symptoms, then you need to keep track of your migraine and aura patterns. If they suddenly change, contact your doctor. It could be very serious. And if your doctor just acts like its not a big deal then you need to go see a different doctor. It is very serious and can cause serious damage if it is not taken care of.

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