What Is Topamax Prescribed For?
Topamax works to soothe the nerve cells that send pain signals to the brain during a migraine.
Time Frame
It usually takes about 1 month to feel the effects of Topamax in reducing migraines, and many doctors recommend that this medication be given a trial of at least 2-3 months before determining its effectiveness.
Topamax is prescribed for true migraines, which can only truly be diagnosed by a physician. Tension headaches and sinus headaches, in contrast, can usually be treated with over-the-counter medication.
Side Effects
Some more serious side effects of taking Topamax have been hair loss, loss of appetite and vision problems. Consult your physician if you are taking this medication and experience any of these adverse effects.
If you are using birth control pills while taking Topamax, use another form of birth control, as this medication has been found to interfere with some birth control medications.