Botox Treatment for Migraines
The fact that migraines often trigger an extreme amount of pain, sufferers often reach for a prescription drug for fast relief. While these prescription treatments for migraines often generate side effects like drowsiness, weight gain and upset stomach, almost all patients receiving Botox injections do not experience any side effects at all. According to its most recent clinical trial, Allergan Inc, the Botox distribution company, has found that Botox injections into the muscles of the brow, eyes, forehead, side of the head and back of the head near the neck, accelerate immediate migraine relief. Unlike many other prescription medicines used for treatment, Botox injections have been confirmed to provide migraine relief for up to six months. These injections work by causing a release in the muscular tension, and by instigating a tranquilizing effect on the nerve cell systems that have to do with the awareness of pain. Migraine sufferers are craving this treatment as it usually only lasts around 10 minutes per session, and the discomfort level is minimal.
Botox Administrator
When considering Botox treatment for migraine relief, cautiously choose a doctor who is experienced in administering the injection. Selecting a doctor based on a low fee advertisement, may not be the wisest decision, if he is still new to the practice. When Botox is properly administered, it has minimal and brief side effects, with the pain gone almost instantly. Most people return to their normal daily activities immediately after receiving Botox injections. Call several practices, and ask as many questions as you feel that will make your decision to have Botox injection more comfortable.
Many worry that the expense to receive Botox injections will be to steep to afford. As of 2009, Botox injections for the treatment of migraines typically cost around $350 per targeted area. You must endure the fact that you should not need any other form of treatment for six months. In comparison to paying a prescription co-pay once per month, along with visiting your doctor frequently, and having mulitple migraine attacks, you will come out ahead when utilizing Botox injections.
FDA Approval
As of this day, Botox is still pending FDA approval for treatment of migraine headaches. According to Allergan Inc., they are hopeful, based on their recent trial results, to file for a supplemental biologics license application with the FDA, to use Botox in treating chronic migraines by the end of 2009. Even with all of the positive results from treating migraine headaches with Botox injections, it is highly recommended that you visit your personal physician before undergoing any type of treatment for migraine relief.