Healthy Eating to Prevent Migraine Headaches
Healthy Choices
A rapid decline in blood sugar has been shown to be a trigger for the onset of migraine headaches. Therefore, the American Migraine Foundation (AMF) recommends eating three meals on a regular schedule daily instead of one or two large meals. Eating three meals will keep your blood sugar at a stable level, while one or two meals allows fluctuation in the blood sugar. They also recommend drinking an adequate amount of water, which helps prevent dehydration, which has been linked to migraines.
Good Foods
Food that may help prevent migraines include foods that are calcium-rich, such as broccoli and spinach. Seasonings such as cayenne pepper and garlic may reduce the pain associated with migraine, so feel free to season your food to taste. Peppermint has been shown to also reduce migraine pain. Your diet should consist of a mix of fresh foods that have not been processed. A variety of fruits and vegetables combined with a mix of grains should help reduce or eliminate migraine headaches.
Caution Foods
While foods such as raspberries, yogurt and citrus fruits are healthy, these foods have been shown to be a potential trigger for migraine headaches. Even simple salad dressings may have some propensity to produce migraine headaches. All of these foods should be used with moderation and avoided at the onset of a migraine.
Bad Foods
Foods that can aggravate migraine headaches include most cheeses, chocolate, sauerkraut and many types of nuts. Alcohol and flavorings containing alcohol (such as some vanilla) should be avoided or used in moderation if you suffer from migraines. Research has indicated that foods containing tyramine can trigger migraine headaches. Tyramine is found in aged foods. Yeast and soy sauce contain tyramine. Common leftovers begin to "age" after 24 hours, so they also contain tyramine. Other foods to avoid or eat in small quantities include dried fruits, olives, processed meats, bananas and avocados.
Resources that may help you to understand the reasons for migraines include the American Migraine Foundation (AMF) and the Migraine Research Foundation. The AMF was established to research the causes for migraines and offer real-life suggestions for improving the lives of those who suffer with migraines. The Migraine Research Foundation is working to determine the root cause of migraines. This will help doctors prescribe effective treatment options for sufferers of migraines. Both organizations offer suggestions to help reduce the debilitating effects of migraines, which affects nearly one of out of four families in the United States.