Home Remedies for Migraine Relief
Grapes and Cabbage
Grind 1-cup of fresh ripe grapes inside a blender; do not add water. Eaten twice daily, crushed grapes help provide relief from migraines. You could also crush a handful of cabbage leaves, place the mass in a cotton cloth and keep the compress on the forehead area for half an hour. When the leaves dry out, replace them with fresh ones.
Lemon and Juices
Take the crust or peel a couple of lemons. Grind in a blender and then apply the paste to the forehead region. This is one of the most effective home remedies for migraine relief.
Drinking a mixture of 300-milliliters of carrot juice with either 200-milliliters of spinach juice or 100-milliliter of cucumber juice and beet juice respectively is another beneficial remedy.
Fasting on only orange juice and water or juices of carrot, cucumber or celery are effective home treatments for migraines. On a regular basis, make sure your meals contain plenty of nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, honey and buttermilk. Avoid refined products like breads, sweets, cakes, foods with preservatives like pickles. Drink lots of water and replace large meals with a number of smaller meals throughout the day.
Hot and Cold Remedies
Take a warm foot bath or apply a hot compress to your stomach and spine. You can also take a plastic bag of ice, cover it in a kitchen towel and place it on your forehead for relief. Ice helps provide migraine relief by its vasoconstrictor function; a process by which cold temperatures contract blood vessels in the nerve endings. Place your thumbs at the center of each temple on your forehead and rub gently but firmly in a circular fashion for a few minutes or until the pain subsides.
General Measures
Stay away from triggers like monosodium glutamate-rich foods such as canned soups and Asian dishes, nitrate or nitrite-rich foods such as processed meats and preserved foods such as condiments. Try to bring your sleeping pattern under control by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. According to some doctors, having an aspirin a day will also help keep migraines at bay.