Chiropractic Relief for Migraines
Massage can be a relaxing way of dealing with tight, painful muscle spasms. Many people who suffer from migraines report having these tight muscles and some even report that these spasms actually cause their migraines. The chiropractor uses ultrasound along with deep tissue massage to allow relief for many migraine patients. Some patients return on a regular basis to receive this treatment.
Spinal Manipulation
An article by Rebecca S. Fischer, D.C., F.I.A.C.A., reports that 78 percent of all headaches can be related to biomechanical problems in the upper cervical spine and these can be effectively treated by a chiropractor. Spinal manipulation is used by chiropractors to help realign the spine back into the natural position. This in turn supports the proper blood flow and nerve conduction that the body needs.
Periodic Adjustment
This method keeps the spine and cervical bones aligned properly. This helps to provide relief by reducing the number of migraines that a patient suffers from. Many people will return to their chiropractor on a periodic basis to obtain this therapy. Some even report being able to feel when their spine and cervical bones are becoming misaligned.
Acupuncture has been used for centuries by the Chinese culture as a method of reducing and relieving chronic pain. The Mayo Clinic's website reports that acupuncture involves a method of strategically placing pins at varying lengths into the body. Acupuncture helps to reduce pain during a migraine attack and essentially reduces subsequent migraines.