The Best Way to Get Rid of Migraines
A migraine is a debilitating condition suffered by millions of people throughout the world. There may be several tell-tale symptoms that present themselves before the onset of a migraine, which the sufferer should recognize and subsequently prepare himself. Symptoms of an impending migraine attack may include gastrointestinal upset, food cravings, behavioral changes, fatigue and sensitivity to light. Migraine pain may be concentrated on one temple or the other. Zigzagging light flashes, spots before the eyes and other visionary hallucinations may occur during a migraine attack. The World Health Organization says that 26.9 million women and 8.6 million men suffer from migraines.-
Migraine Relief Strategies
Taking prescribed medication at the onset of a migraine may be beneficial to the sufferer and circumvent a full-blown migraine attack. Other over-the-counter pain relievers may be of use if no prescribed medication is available.
Lie down in a dark room on a couch or bed with a comfortable pillow. The room must be quiet, as noise may be perceived as amplified to the sufferer during a migraine attack. Closing the eyes may help ease the pain.
Vomiting and nausea may be present during a migraine attack and the sufferer may feel better after vomiting. When vomiting occurs during a migraine the victim may feel like sleeping afterward for up to 8 hours.
Place a cool, wrung-out washcloth on the sufferer's forehead, as profuse sweating usually accompanies a migraine attack. If it's available, an ice blanket may be used instead of a washcloth.
Air conditioning may help reduce migraine attacks as heat may sometimes trigger them. Migraine triggers such as certain foods, smells, stressful situations and meal-time irregularities may contribute to migraines.
Migraine headaches may last from 4 hours to 72 hours depending on the severity of the attack.