Cures for Migranes
Acute Medication
According to the American Headache Society, migraines can be treated successfully with acute medications, which can be taken when a migraine occurs. These medications are accessible over the counter or with a prescription. Acute medications land into three different categories: analgesics, ergotamines and triptans. Analgesics are general pain relievers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. While analgesics are fairly inexpensive, the drawback is that consistent use may make symptoms worse, according to the American Headache Society. Ergotamines are available in different formats, including orally and rectally, but may cause nausea. Triptans are available with a prescription and work specifically to target migraines. Side effects may include tingling, drowsiness or tightness in the throat or chest.
Preventive Medication
Preventive medications are prescribed to avert or diminish the number of migraine attacks. Usually, these medications prevent swelling in blood vessels but do not remedy symptoms connected with migraines. According to the National Migraine Association, examples of preventive medication include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and divalproex sodium. Beta blockers affect the response in certain nerve impulses, lowering the heart's need for blood and oxygen. Calcium channel blockers affect the traffic of calcium that is deposited into the cells of the heart and blood vessels. Divalproex sodium was first designed to treat epilepsy. Given in smaller doses, this medication can help relieve migraines.
Trigger Management
Trigger management is another way of addressing migraines. Triggering factors can produce migraines. By avoiding and familiarizing yourself with these factors, you can hinder a potential attack. Each person has different triggers. According to the National Migraine Association, common triggers include climate changes, intense sunlight, fluorescent lights, chemical fumes, alcohol and certain foods such as processed meats.
Home Medicine
For migraine relief, try aromatherapy. While everyone reacts differently to smells, recommends using scents such as peppermint, sandlewood, lavender and eucalyptus. Put five drops of oil in either cold or warm water on a soft cloth and put the compress on your head or neck. Another home remedy is to do some gentle exercise when a migraine strikes to ease the pain. Herbal remedy is another option. Herbs such as feverfew passionflower, ginko, cayenne pepper and white willow bark are effective with helping with migraines.
When a migraine occurs, get rest immediately. Retreat from the stressful surrounding. Put a cold compress on the affected area. Rest with pillows to support the neck and head. Rest in a room where there is little or no stimulation for the senses. Keep the lights low or off and turn off the television or anything that makes a sound. Get as much sleep as possible.