Foods That May Cause Migraines
Alcohol and Caffeine
Alcohol products, especially wine and beer, often trigger migraine headaches. Red wine tends to be worse than other varieties of wine. Too much caffeine also triggers migraines in some people.
Dairy Products
Some dairy products, especially aged cheeses, may cause a migraine headache. Others include cultured dairy products, such as sour cream and buttermilk.
Processed Foods
For many people, certain processed foods bring on a migraine attack. Aged or processed meats such as bologna, bacon, hot dogs, wild game, pepperoni, sausage and herring are common offenders. Pickled, preserved or marinated foods, such as pickles, olives and sauerkraut, may also cause migraines. Nitrates are thought to be the culprit since they can cause blood vessels to relax and expand.
Several varieties of beans, including pole, navy, lima, pinto, Italian and garbanzo, are thought to cause migraine headaches. Other vegetables include onions, snowpeas, pea pods and lentils.
Fruits and Nuts
Avocados, bananas, papaya, passion fruit, raisins, red plums and figs are the most common fruits that may trigger migraines. Nuts and peanut butter are also common triggers.
Flavorings and Seasonings
Various flavorings and seasonings sometimes trigger migraines. They include aspartame, meat tenderizer, seasoned salt and soy sauce. Other suspected triggers are monosodium glutamate (MSG), chocolate and brewer's yeast, including fresh yeast products such as coffeecake, sourdough bread and doughnuts.