Medications for Migraine Pain
Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are the most common medication prescribed for migraines. These are preventive medications and are prescribed for people who have two or more migraines a month. Beta blockers work by affecting the response to some nerve impulses in different parts of the body. Beta blockers are also used to treat angina, prevent heart attacks and correct an irregular heartbeat. Beta blockers are prescribed by a doctor in the form of oral medications.
Some people have experienced relief from migraines by getting Botox injections. Botox helps relieve migraines by giving migraine sufferers immediate relief as well as relief from migraines for up to six months after a Botox injection. Botox is injected into the muscles of the brow, forehead, side of the head and the back of the head.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Calcium channel blockers are another preventive migraine medication. They work primarily the same way as beta blockers as they prevent migraines, treat angina, prevent heart attacks and correct an irregular heartbeat. Calcium channel blockers work by affecting the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and blood vessels. They relax the blood vessels and increase the supply of blood and oxygen while decreasing its workload.
Codeine is used for general pain management associated with migraines. It is a narcotic often used in combination with other medications to relieve general pain and migraine pain. Codeine is addictive and should only be used under the close supervision of a doctor. Before using this medication you should let your doctor know if you have allergies, are pregnant or breast feeding, or are taking any other medications.
Celexa is an antidepressant used to treat depression and anxiety. It is also used for the prevention of migraines. Antidepressants are used to treat migraines because many of those who suffer from migraines also suffer from depression and anxiety. In fact, according to, 47 percent of those who suffer from migraines also suffer from depression. Other antidepressants used for the prevention and treatment of migraines include Effexor, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. Before taking these medications to prevent migraines, let your doctor know if you have any allergies and if you are taking any other medications.