Migraine Treatment With Caffeine
Caffeine Effects on Headaches
A simple tension headache occurs when blood vessels dilate and open much wider than usual. Caffeine causes the blood vessels to constrict, which will return the blood vessels back to their normal state. Many pain relievers contain caffeine because of this particular effect. Simply treating a tension headache with caffeine alone also can be effective.
Migraines and Caffeine
Migraine headaches appear to be susceptible to the same constriction of blood vessels as tension headaches. While doctors are still not clear what causes a migraine, the effect of caffeine is most likely related to constricting blood vessels.
Another theory on how caffeine can help migraine headache is the nucleoside, adenosine. During a migraine episode, the head and neck area has a higher than normal level of adenosine in the blood. This nucleoside will dilate blood vessels and cause pain. Caffeine blocks adenosine and relieves the pain of headache. Doctors still do not understand why there is an elevation of adenosine during a migraine episode. The study of adenosine and its role in migraine headache and the symptoms are leading science in a new direction for creating medications that will prevent and cure migraine headache. Without a clear understanding of the cause of migraine, it is difficult to find a preventative medicine.
Migraines sufferers should choose a pain reliever that contains caffeine to relieve the pain of their headaches. A cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverage also can help to relieve the pain as well. It is important that caffeine be used in moderation to avoid the caffeine withdrawal that will cause headaches when the blood vessels dilate because of a lack of caffeine.
Caffeine Addiction and Withdrawal
Anyone who has every experienced a headache caused by a lack of caffeine knows that it can be one of the most painful types of headaches. A lack of caffeine can leave you feeling sluggish and tired in the morning along with the pounding headache. A simple cup of coffee is usually all it takes to relieve the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
While caffeine can be effective in the treatment of headaches and migraine, it is important that you use it in moderation. To avoid the headaches associated with caffeine withdrawal, cut back on your caffeine gradually over time instead of stopping all at once. The headache that is associated with caffeine withdrawal is not the same condition as a migraine headache. Both types of headache can be cured with caffeine.
Doctors recommend drinking no more than 250mg to 300mg of caffeine each day to avoid caffeine addiction.