Treatment for a Migraine Caused by a Barometric Pressure Change
If you've ever suffered through a migraine, you know how miserable they can make you. People experience migraines with different symptoms, such as numbness, auras and extreme sensitivity to light and sounds. For some, migraines are triggered by chocolate, others by MSG or menstruation. Others suffer from migraines caused by a change in barometric pressure. Such individuals may benefit from several treatments or techniques that may help relieve symptoms.-
Many individuals who suffer from frequent migraines are prescribed drugs like Midrin or Imitrex that widen blood vessels. Such medications reduce symptoms such as light sensitivity, nausea and pain. Triptans are often prescribed for those who experience severe migraines. Medications in this class also include brand names such as Axert and Zomig.
Change in Environment
Weather-related headaches may be somewhat relieved by a change in environment. Those living near rivers may find that a walk along the waterway helps relieve the pressure of a migraine caused by a change in barometric pressure. If you don't have access to a river, try a humidifier or ionizer, but only if you live in a dry climate. If you live in a humid climate like the South, you don't want to increase moisture in the air.
Most people suffering from a migraine--any kind of migraine--find that lying down in a darkened room often helps relieve pain, nausea and sensitivity to lights and sounds. Placing a warm washcloth over the eyes offers some relief, as do muscle relaxation exercises like deep breathing, yoga and meditation.