Relief for Abdominal Migraines
Abdominal migraines most often occur in children who are between the ages of 5 and 9. These children are genetically predisposed to migraines and often develop typical migraines later in life.
A person must experience five abdominal migraine episodes in order to be diagnosed with having abdominal migraines, according to the International Headache Society (IHS). All other possible diseases first must be ruled out (i.e., virus, food poisoning). An episode must last between 1 to 72 hours in duration. The pain must be in the center of the abdominal (mid-line), at the belly button (peri-umbilical) or in that general area; the pain must be moderate to severe and described as dull or sore. The patient must have two of the following: anorexia (does not want to eat), nausea, vomiting or paleness (pallor).
Some migraine sufferers (migraineurs) have physiological changes (auras) that preceded a migraine, which can clue them in to taking medication to try to avoid the worst of the symptoms. With abdominal migraines, there is normally no warning.
Pain Relief
Migraines were not recognized as a neurological disease until the early 1990s. Because an abdominal migraine is one of the less common forms of migraine, a specific protocol for treating this illness has not been established. Currently, physicians are treating abdominal migraines as they do other types of migraines.
Certain medications, such as serotonin blockers, triptans or tricyclic antidepressants, have been successfully used with older children and adults who have abdominal migraines.The medications work by altering the body's chemistry. However, many of these drugs are not approved for very young children. At times, it is necessary to admit children to the hospital in order to administer intravenous (IV) medication such as valproic acid.
Some physicians will tell parents to give over-the-counter or prescription pain medications to make the migraineur more comfortable. Physicians may also prescribe medications for nausea. Having the migraineur lying down in a dark room with minimal stimulation may help.
Neurologists have not determined the cause of abdominal migraines. It is believed that alterations in two naturally occurring body chemicals, histamine and serotonin, may be the cause this type of migraine. It is well known that stress changes the chemicals within the body.
As more is learned about abdominal migraine, there is increased evidence that this type of migraine may have a psychological basis. If there is a stressful situation in the home and the child is having abdominal migraines, the child might benefit from psychological counseling.
Watch the diet of the migraineur carefully. Foods such as chocolate, citrus fruit, processed meats (foods that contain nitrites) or Chinese food if it contains mono sodium glutamate (MSG) may trigger abdominal migraines.
Record the food intake and stress level of the migraineur daily to see if you can establish a pattern. Allow the physician to look at the journal.The best pain relief for abdominal migraines is to prevent their occurrence.