Depakote Treatment of Migraines
Migraines can cause severe, throbbing pain in the temples, behind an ear or eye, or on one or both sides of the head. Sufferers may be acutely sensitive to light and sounds. They may become nauseated and physically ill. Before the pain comes on, the sufferer may notice flashing lights, temporary loss of vision or strange smells. Migraines can occur as often as twice a week or as rarely as once a year. They may last just a few hour or two days.
Anti-Seizure Medications
Migraineurs (migraine patients) can prevent their migraine attacks by taking anti-seizure medications. One of these medications is Depakote. This medication works by reducing attacks. As Depakote is taken as a preventive medication, it is means to lessen the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. MAGNUM (Migraine Awareness Group: A National Understanding for Migraineurs) reported that migraine patients taking Depakote during clinical trials had a "4-week 'mean' Migraine rate of 3.5 during the treatment phase . . . significantly lower than the placebo mean rate of 5.7." The Food and Drug Administration has approved Depakote for the treatment of migraine headache.
How Depakote Works
Depakote was originally developed to treat epilepsy. It has since been found to prevent chemical changes in the brain that trigger migraine pain, although it may not stop every attack. It is not effective when a migraine (and its resulting pain) has begun. MAGNUM points out that, since migraines and epilepsy are related conditions, the use of Depakote to prevent migraine attacks is a "sound approach."
How Depakote Should Be Used
Your doctor will prescribe a daily dose of Depakote, which you should take as ordered. You need to keep a consistent level of this medication in your blood stream in order for it to have the most effect. According to MAGNUM, the recommended starting dose for Depakote is 250 milligrams (mg) twice a day, although some migraine patients might benefit from taking up to 1,000 mg/day. Depakote is to be taken daily as a preventive medication.
Side Effects
You should be careful to take the correct dose of Depakote. If you take too much, you can experience diarrhea, cramps, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and hair loss. If you stop taking your Depakote, you run the risk of experiencing an increase in the number of migraine headaches.