How Long Do Typical Migraines Last?
Duration Range of Migraines
Migraines tend to last anywhere from just a few hours to a few days if they are left untreated. The frequency of migraines can vary from person to person, based on their stimuli.The migraine sufferer may have them only once in a while or several times a month. Rarely, a person may suffer from a condition known as "status migrainosis," which is when migraines last for over 72 hours.
Medications to Reduce Migraine Duration
At the onset of a migraine, you can take an over-the-counter medication to try to stop it before it becomes too severe. OTC meds such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or the acetaminophen-aspirin-caffeine combination found in Excedrin may be enough to ward off the ensuing headache. Other people may require prescription medications, known as triptans, to alleviate the pain. Your doctor may also suggest a preventative prescription to be taken daily or prior to the onset of a trigger, such as menstruation.
Home Remedies that Reduce Migraine Duration
At the onset of a migraine, many people like to lie down in a dark room, as excessive light can be irritating. A hot shower, sitting in a steam bath, or a hot washcloth may also be soothing. Some prefer cold therapy such as an ice pack, Head-On, or a mentholated product such as Mentholatum or Icy Hot. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can also help. Stay hydrated, especially because your body may lose fluids through vomiting from nausea.
Alternative Treatments to Reduce Migraine Duration
Some people are able to reduce the duration and frequency of their migraines by biofeedback and acupuncture therapy. Some benefit from the use of herbs, such as feverfew and butterbur (if you're not pregnant), or vitamins and minerals, such as riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10. Still others prefer to use homeopathic remedies found in natural stores. Whenever you are using herbs, check with your doctor or pharmacist about any potential reactions with medications you may also be taking.
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Migraine Duration
Reduce the frequency and duration of migraines by making lifestyle changes. Keep a headache diary to identify triggers, note what treatments work, and what doesn't work. Avoid those triggers. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep.