Symptoms of Complicated Migraines
Migraines are a chronic problem for suffers and almost always present with a headache. Most commonly affecting one side of your head, a migraine can present on both sides, although it is less likely.
Complicated migraines affect you neurologically and are segregated into two types: vertebrobasilar and hemiplegic.
With vertebrobasilar migraines, your motor skills such as balance and consciousness are affected; you may faint, see double or become very dizzy. With hemiplegic, you may experience numbness or temporary paralysis on one side.
You or family members may notice warning signs of an impending migraine, such as insomnia, irritability, food cravings and mood changes. Other signs may be cold hands and feet, sensitivity to light and sound, auras like flashing lights or cloud-like appearances tunneling your vision, nausea and severe headache.
Migraine suffers generally prefer to lie down in a quiet, dark room to ease the symptoms, which can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. Seek advice from your health care provider, who can prescribe the best course of prevention and treatment of complicated migraines.