Symptoms of Period Migraines
Common Symptoms
The most common symptoms of period migraines are pain on one side of the head, dizziness, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
Differing Symptoms
Many women can get an aura up to a half hour before the pain of the migraine hits. But The National Headache Foundation notes that this warning sign does not always happen before a period migraine.
If the migraines always come just before or during menstruation, they are predictable. Many women learn to never schedule important events around their period. They take painkillers as soon as the first pain starts.
Because the migraines come around the menstruation cycle, it's thought that estrogen may be both the cause and the cure of period migraines. Dr. Judith Reichman suggests taking an oral contraceptive or using an estrogen patch.
According to the National Headache Foundation, 70 percent of women who get migraines get menstrual migraines.