Migraine Aura Symptoms
Migraine aura symptoms typically include either a steady or a throbbing pain located on one side of the head near the temple or in the front of the head. This migraine pain can last from 4 hours to three days.
Visual Disturbances
Visual disturbances are a common migraine aura symptom and usually include the sufferer seeing jagged or wavy lines, flashing lights or distorted shapes. Some patients also complain of cloudy, blurry or tunnel vision.
Olfactory Hallucinations
Some migraine auras induce olfactory hallucinations, or aromas that aren't actually there. These smells are usually unpleasant, such as body odor or rotting flesh.
Speech Problems
Migraine aura symptoms often include speech problems, such as slurred speech or difficulty forming words. Some migraine with aura patients suffer from aphasia, which is having trouble finding the right word when you talk.
Auditory Disturbances
Another common migraine aura symptom is auditory disturbances. This can include hearing a constant buzzing sound or hearing all noise as amplified. It might also involve hearing voices that don't exist.
Fun Fact
Some literary experts believe that the visual distortions common in migraine auras inspired Lewis Carroll's popular novels "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and its sequel "Through the Looking Glass."