What Causes Migraines in Men?
Migraines may result from worries and anxiety about losing your job, financial difficulties and problems at home.
Dehydration from an intense or strenuous workout or simply forgetting to drink enough water may cause you to have migraines.
Physical exertion from activities such as sports or vigorous sex can trigger migraines, especially if you are not used to intense activity.
Lack of Sleep
Long hours at work or trying to fit everything in, from walking the dog to washing your car, can result in migraines caused by a lack of sleep.
Skipping Meals
If your job requires you to be on the go, or you do not have enough time to take a break for lunch, you may get migraines from skipping meals.
Pressure from your boss, grief from a family member's illness or intense competition with others may cause emotional stress that results in migraines.
Sudden changes in weather, altitudes and time zones, as well as glare from the sun, may cause you to have migraines.