Causes of Frequent Migraines
If your migraines usually occur in the days before your period, they may be caused by hormone fluctuations resulting from premenstural syndrome (PMS).
Drinking caffeine may cause you to have frequent migraines, especially if you are a heavy coffee or soda drinker.
Regularly drinking alcohol may cause you to have frequent migraines, especially if you drink beer or red wine.
Artificial Sweeteners
If you eat foods with artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, you may have frequent migraine headaches.
Skipping Meals
Regularly skipping meals due to a busy schedule or an eating disorder may cause frequent migraines.
If you live in a place with frequent weather changes, such as on the coast or in the mountains, you may experience frequent migraines due to changes in the barometric pressure.
Stress at work, home or school may cause you to have frequent migraines, especially if you are not getting enough sleep.