How to Use Green Tea to Get Rid of Migraines
Things You'll Need
- Tea kettle
- Glass
- Mug
- Green tea leaves
- Tea diffuser
- Teaspoon
- Over-the-counter pain reliever
- Washcloth
- Gatorade (optional)
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever with an 8 oz. glass of water.
Boil a kettle of water.
Steep 1 or 2 tsp. of loose green tea leaves in a diffuser for two to three minutes. (Bagged tea has more caffeine and is of a lesser quality than loose tea.)
Remove the diffuser from the cup.
Dump out the tea. You do this because the younger the tea leaves, the more caffeine they contain, and the first steeping contains the strongest dose of it. Good-quality tea leaves will produce three cups of tea, so you have two left that you can drink.
Put the diffuser back in the cup, refill it with boiling water, and steep it for another two to three minutes.
Remove the diffuser and put it aside in case you need to make a third cup of tea.
Thoroughly dampen a wash cloth with cold water.
Drink the tea while it's hot. The tea contains elements called theanine and catechins that blend with the caffeine when the water is hot and keep the effects of the caffeine from being too strong.
Hold the washcloth to your forehead in between sips of the tea for pain relief and to help keep cool. (Migraines can cause your face to feel flushed.)
Drink a glass of cool water or Gatorade after you finish the tea to stay hydrated. Dehydration is one culprit behind headaches.
Find a comfortable, quiet place to lie down. Pull the shades down, since bright light can make the migraine worse.
Take a nap or rest as long as you need to with the washcloth on your forehead.
Make another cup of tea with the used leaves if you haven't fallen asleep in about 45 minutes, or if the pain is getting worse. If you are comfortable, don't get up until the headache is completely gone. When a migraine is abating, abrupt movements can sometimes make it flare up again.