Ocular Migraine Symptoms & Treatments
Visual Disturbances
The visual disturbances of an ocular migraine can include seeing rainbows, flashing lights, or halos mainly around the peripheral area. This is accompanied by a "blind spot," usually in the center of the vision.
Feeling "Other Worldly"
If you are experiencing an ocular migraine, you may start to feel "otherworldly," which means that you may feel like you are in a dreamlike state.
Difficulty Speaking
During the height of an ocular migraine, you may have difficulty speaking or forming words.
Difficulty Walking
Since an ocular migraine can impair the vision temporarily, your walking or driving abilities may be weakened.
If you are having an ocular migraine, you can help yourself by putting your head between your knees, placing a cold pack on your head around the forehead area, drinking orange juice, and taking an Ibuprofen. This can greatly reduce your suffering.