Imitrex Alternatives
Receiving oxygen during a migraine can help reduce symptoms. Oxygen can be administered to an individual that is suffering from migraine headaches, according to One hundred percent oxygen can be given through a mask by a health care professional with a minimum rate of 7 L per minute to provide relief from migraine symptoms. It is said that relief can happen within 15 minutes of being administered. This type of treatment requires an individual to visit a health care professional during a migraine or carry around an oxygen tank at home each time they suffer from a migraine.
Imitrex is a triptan that can be injected or taken in pill form. Another triptan alternative to Imitrex is Zomig or zolmitriptan, according to This type of triptan is administered in a nasal spray or pill form and can be used as a fast-acting treatment for cluster headaches. Other Imitrex alternatives on the market are Axert, Electriptan, Frova, Amerge and Maxalt.
Preventive Medications
Imitrex is meant to treat a migraine or cluster headache that is already in progress. Individuals looking for alternatives to Imitrex can use preventive medications to prevent a migraine from occurring in the first place and thus avoid the need for Imitrex to begin with. Preventive medications can include calcium channel blockers, corticosteroids, nerve blocks, lithium carbonate and melatonin, according to
Lifestyle Changes
A regular sleep schedule can help prevent cluster headaches. Cluster and migraine prevention does not always require medication. Often cluster headaches and migraines are the result of lifestyles that need to be changed to prevent migraines from occurring. It is important to give the body a regular sleeping schedule with the same amount of hours of sleep per night to prevent a cluster headache or cluster period from starting, according to Alcohol consumption and caffeine consumption should be limited by individuals that suffer from cluster headaches or migraines since both substances affect the brain's blood vessels.