What Is a Compression Migraine?
Compression migraines are caused by pressure placed on the head from something either worn around or on the head or the face. These can include any type of helmet or hat, headbands or other hair accessories, or eyewear such as ski or swim goggles or large sunglasses.
While certain individuals are more sensitive to pressure exerted on their heads than others, people who use headware on a regular basis are more likely to develop compression headaches. These include construction workers required to wear helmets, and athletes, such as swimmers, skiers, or any sport in which a helmet is needed for protection. Compression headaches are also more common in women than men, and more common in people who already suffer from traditional migraines.
Compression migraines are characterized mainly by an intense feeling of pressure wherever the helmet, goggles, or hair accessories are pressing on the head. This feeling of pressure increases as long as the pressure-causing object remains in place. In some individuals, prolonged compression can trigger more traditional migraines, with severe pain, light sensitivity, and nausea.
There is only one effective treatment for compression migraines, according to the Mayo Clinic--removing the source of the compression. For people who need to wear headache-causing headgear as a normal part of their jobs or sport, the only solution is to attempt to wear the headgear as little as possible or to experiment with different types that may exert less pressure on the head.
To prevent compression migraines, avoid wearing headgear that exerts pressure on the head. If wearing the headgear is necessary, be certain that it is the correct size and fits properly.