How to Eliminate Migraine Headaches
Things You'll Need
- Notebook or journal
- Medications
- Ice pack
- Dark room
- Relaxing activities
Record when your migraines occur, how long they last and any noticeable factors that lead to their development.
Visit your doctor for a full physical examination in order to make sure there are no underlying health issues. Discuss your record-keeping with your doctor so that he or she can more accurately address the problem. The following steps should be considered within the parameters of your doctor's advice.
Try various medications under your doctor's recommendation. Medications that can help some people's migraines include beta-blockers, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers and divalproex sodium.
Try to avoid the things that trigger your migraines. Common triggers include red wine, chocolate, beer, dried fish, foods containing MSG or aspartame, processed meats, chemical fumes, bright light or glare and fluorescent lights. Some triggers can't be avoided such as menstrual cycles and changes in weather. In the case of unavoidable triggers, it helps to be aware of their effects so that you can be ready to treat the symptoms if necessary.
Attempt to stop the attack. The quicker you recognize a trigger and take action, the better chance you have of eliminating a potential migraine. Several medications work to abort a migraine before it can take hold. Speak to your doctor about if one of them is right for you.
Take pain medication as necessary. In the process of trying to eliminate your migraines, you may not have instant success. Your doctor may prescribe narcotic analgesics (such as Percocet, codeine, or Demerol) or advise you to take over-the-counter medications (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen) to help relieve your symptoms. Over-the-counter medications are not as strong as the narcotic medications in fighting pain, but they are readily available and less likely to cause addiction.
Try some non-medicinal remedies. Lie down in a dark room if you feel a migraine beginning. Position an ice pack on the back of your neck, and use your fingers to apply pressure to the areas of your head that are starting to hurt. Sometimes this can cause the migraine to subside before it has completely emerged. Another remedy is to find time for relaxation, whether it's through specific relaxing practices such as yoga or simply through activities that you enjoy (a warm bath, a brisk walk, listening to your favorite music). Besides relaxing, remember to get around six to eight hours of sleep but not significantly more, as excess sleep can contribute to migraines as well.