Weather & Migraines
Some allergy sufferers mistake sinus headaches for migraines. However, according to a study published in the "Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology" (2006), histamines released by allergic reactions may cause or worsen migraines.
Weather Changes
A 2004 study by Dr. Marcelo E. Bigal of the New England Center for Headache found that changes in weather triggered migraines in about half of the patients studied.
Warm Weather
According to a 2009 study by Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard School of Public Health), a 9-degree increase in temperature increased the chance of migraine headaches by 7 1/2 percent.
Air Pressure
Although changes in air pressure may trigger other types of headaches, Dr. Mukamal's study found that low pressure, commonly believed to trigger migraines, did not actually affect migraine incidence.
Patients may think weather changes trigger migraines when, in fact, other triggers are responsible. Dr. Bigal's study also found that about 10 percent of patients thought weather was a trigger when it really wasn't.