How to Overcome MS
Learn everything possible about your diagnosis. There are different courses of MS. Speak with a professional about your specific diagnosis and learn about your particular disease. What can be expected in the future? What treatments are recommended? Are there activities that should be avoided? What other kinds of doctors or therapists should be consulted? What other support is available?
Allow yourself a grieving process. Not everyone suffers from the worst symptoms of the disease. MS is an incurable disease, although it can go into remission for long periods of time. This is devastating news to hear and as you learn more about this disease, it can be frightening. Seek the support of a trusted family member, friend, clergy member or mental health counselor.
Begin a treatment plan recommended by your physician. This may include occupational therapy, medications and lifestyle changes.
Consider your lifestyle and the changes you may wish to make to support healthy living. With your doctor's approval, develop an appropriate exercise plan. Thirty minutes of appropriate exercise per day is recommended. Since exhaustion is a feature of MS, do not overexert yourself. Your doctor may recommend a physical therapist who can help with planning exercise. Generally, gentle stretching and a slow buildup of musculature are ideal.
Review and revise your diet. Again, consult your physician. You may also wish to consult a nutritionist. Eat a variety of foods from each food group. Maintain a healthy weight. Select foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and limit sugar intake. Go light on the salt, and if you drink alcohol, keep it to one beverage per day. Talk to your doctor about alcohol consumption and its affect on your diagnosis. Drink plenty of water and limit your caffeine intake.
Seek support for yourself and family members. Your health care worker can direct you to support groups in your area, or seek out private therapy. Your positive outlook will be helpful as you face the ups and downs of MS. Begin by viewing yourself as a survivor, not a victim. Maintain as many of your normal activities as possible. If you are able to work, do so. If you sing in the church choir, maintain your membership. Stay involved in the lives of your family members. You may have to live with MS, but you do not have to allow it to take over your life.