How to Stop Urinary Tract Infections from MS
Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the body's natural cleanser. For incontinent patients, it might seem silly to drink more water, but holding the urine in the bladder only worsens a UTI. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water a day-more if there is even a hint of a UTI.
Drink cranberry juice or take cranberry supplements. Cranberry is good for urinary health. The National Kidney Foundation actually endorses some brands of cranberry juice. If you don't like the taste of cranberry juice, look into cranberry pills, which are available at most drug and health food stores.
Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily. In addition to its other health benefits, Vitamin C helps lower the pH of the urine. A lower pH will result in a more acidic urine, causing the bacteria to die. If you're taking cranberry pills, be sure to check the label to see if they contain Vitamin C as well. Some do, so you will need to take fewer Vitamin C pills.
Urinate after sexual activity. Sexual activity, especially intercourse, can force bacteria into the urethra. Urinating afterward will flush that bacteria from the system and help to prevent infection.
Keep catheter sites clean. All catheterized MS patients and their caregivers should be extremely vigilant about catheter cleanliness. A dirty catheter site can lead to more than a simple urinary tract infection. Catheters should be monitored closely by nursing staff and changed regularly.
After using the bathroom, always wipe front to back to keep from moving bacteria from the anus to the vagina. As many as 85 percent of UTIs are caused by the bacteria E. coli, which is present in the bowel. When this bacteria is allowed to migrate up the genitals to the vagina, a UTI is a near certainty. Wiping front to back not only prevents those germs from moving up, but also helps remove any traces that are already there.