MS Pain Description
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by electrical waves of shocking pain in the facial area. According to the Mayo Clinic, "These attacks can be spontaneous or provoked by even mild stimulation of your face."
Lhermitte's Sign
Lhermitte's sign is characterized by painful electrical shock waves that typically radiate into the arms or legs, and is common in individuals with multiple sclerosis.
Sensory Pain
Sensory pain is a common complaint of individuals with multiple sclerosis. Typically, feelings of burning sensations, numbness and tingling in the extremities may occur, even in the very early stages of MS.
Muscle Contractions
Muscle contractions, also referred to as spastic, are characterized by painful muscle spasms of the extremities.
Optic Nerve Pain
Optic nerve pain is sometimes associated with vision loss that can occur with multiple sclerosis. It typically only affects one eye at a time.