How to Describe MS Fatigue
Effects on Life
Ability To Function The fatigue experienced from MS interferes with a person's ability to function at home, school and work. It is one of the primary causes of departing early from the workplace.
Unique Type
Lassitude A fatigue referred to as lassitude is unique to people with MS. It tends to worsen as the day progresses, comes easily and suddenly, is aggravated by heat and is more severe than other forms of fatigue.
Side Effect
Bladder Problems People with MS tend to have bladder problems which can wake them up numerous times during the night. They suffer from sleep deprivation, which adds to the fatigue.
Tired Even With Sleep
Still Tired After A Good Nights Sleep Fatigue from MS strikes as an overwhelming sense of tiredness for no apparent reason. This happens even with little activity.
Without Warning
Pulled the Plug MS fatigue can be constant, making everything more of an effort. It is a feeling of complete tiredness that arrives without warning, as if someone pulled your energy plug.