Differences Between Fibromyalgia & MS
According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no test to diagnose fibromyalgia; a diagnosis is made if a patient has three months of pain and responds to 11 or more "tender points." Blood work, a spinal tap or a brain scan showing lesions definitively diagnose MS.
Muscle Function
Fibromyalgia patients experience severe muscle pain and/or numbness that worsens with overuse. The muscle problems in MS are caused by a neurological system breakdown.
Fibromyalgia symptoms can ease and worsen, but don't cause permanent damage to muscles or joints. MS "flares," too, but also causes deterioration of nerves, reports AOLhealth.com.
Though debilitating, fibromyalgia is not life threatening. Multiple sclerosis is progressive, with symptoms that can become more disabling over time.
Fibromyalgia treatment includes medication for pain and sleep problems. MS treatment targets symptoms and uses drugs to slow the disease's progression or block immune system reactions that would cause further damage, says the Mayo Clinic.
It is possible to have fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, reports CausesOfFibromyalgia.info. If separate doctors are treating you, be sure they are aware of any medications you are taking.