About MS Disease
While the exact cause is unknown, genetic factors such as abnormalities of the immune system and environmental factors, including toxins and infections, may play a role in triggering MS.
MS symptoms include numbness or weakness in one or more limbs, double vision or tingling.
In some cases, other complications develop in people with MS, including muscle spasms, paralysis and epilepsy.
Because MS symptoms can mimic other ailments, diagnosis occurs after ruling out other possible conditions. Blood tests, a spinal tap and an MRI are usually performed to get an accurate overall view of your physical condition.
There is no cure for MS. Treatment focuses on controlling the disease's progression by handling symptoms and disease "flares," in which you encounter new symptoms or a worsening of old ones. Medications are usually prescribed and taken regularly for life.
MS is not fatal, and most patients have a normal or near-normal life span. People with MS have a higher suicide rate than those without, however, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.