Alternative Methods to Treat MS
In patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks myelin, the protective layer that surrounds the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This prevents the cells from transmitting nerve impulses, resulting in the common symptoms of the disease. To limit symptoms of MS, it is essential to get enough Omega-3s and Omega-6s in your diet. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that help the body produce myelin. Increasing the amount of Omega-3s and 6s will help the body restore the myelin around your nerve cells, even as the immune system continues to attack. suggests taking supplements of Omega-6-rich oils, such as evening primrose or black currant. To get the necessary amount of Omega-3s, add more fish to your diet or take fish oil pills. Since alcohol interferes with the conversion of fatty acids, drinking alcohol should be limited.
A a variety of alternative therapies have been found to have a positive effect as well. The Better Health Channel lists massage, acupuncture and yoga as possible treatments. Since multiple sclerosis often results in overall muscle pain, getting regular massages can help relax the muscles and ease the pain. Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy done by inserting needles into pressure points on the body. Like massage, acupuncture reduces muscle tension and pain. Yoga is an exercise technique that relies on stretching and sustained poses. It provides the body with greater flexibility, which can help with muscle stiffness and pain, unlike traditional exercises, which can actually increase muscle pain.
A final therapy that may help battle the symptoms and pain of multiple sclerosis is meditation. Meditation is the conscious act of clearing the mind completely. When the mind is cleared, it is thought to bring a sense of tranquility. Regularly used as a stress management therapy, meditation is also believed to promote relaxation throughout the entire nervous system, which can have an effect on multiple sclerosis symptoms.