Initial Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a very debilitating disease that attacks the central nervous system. Symptoms of MS can range from very mild to severe. There is no known cause of MS nor any known cure.
  1. Vision

    • Vision changes such as blurry vision and loss of vision are normally one of the first symptoms of MS.


    • Many MS patients feel fatigue and must rest periodically throughout the day in order to complete common daily chores.


    • Pain occurs in about 10 percent of diagnosed MS cases. Most patients complain about pain due to spasticity.

    Balance and Equilibrium

    • The loss of balance is an early symptom of MS. Loss of balance can be very disheartening in patients. Vertigo is also very common early on with MS.

    Sensory Abnormalities

    • Many sensory abnormalities are symptoms of MS. Such abnormalities as tingling and numbness in the back and legs should be evaluated by a doctor.


    • MS is manageable but only with proper medical care. Any symptoms of MS should be checked and treated by a medical professional.

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