Side Effects of Avonex
Common Side Effects
There are some common side effects of Avonex. These side effects are usually considered to be minor, because they tend to subside very rapidly. However, if you find these conditions to be persistent or causing you great discomfort, you should get them checked out by your doctor. These side effects are redness, pain or swelling where the Avonex was injected; influenza-like signs (such as chills, fever, fatigue, backache, headache, weakness and muscle aches); and stomach ache.
Serious Side Effects
Though relatively uncommon, some people also might experience serious side effects from Avonex. These side effects can be dangerous, so they must receive immediate medical attention: extreme weakness or exhaustion, unusual weight changes, infection where the medication was injected, vision changes, irregular or rapid heartbeat, swollen ankles, urinating more frequently at night, feeling either hot or cold always, depression, darker colored urine, bleeding or bruising very easily, shortness of breath, seizures, suicidal feelings and yellowing of the skin or eyes.
Allergic Reactions
Harmful allergic reactions are usually unlikely, but can happen with Avonex. If you think that you might be experiencing an allergic reaction to this medicine, seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Some symptoms of Avonex allergic reaction are having trouble breathing, heaviness or tightness of the chest, skin rash, hives, swelling and itchiness.
Other Possible Side Effects
There are some other possible side effects of Avonex, including joint ache, toothache, infections (like sinus infections or bronchitis), loss of hair, eye issues, migraine headaches, anemia and flushing. If you have any of these side effects for an extended period of time, or if they are particularly problematic, seek medical help.
Before using this medicine, you need to inform your physician of all of your medical conditions as well as your entire medical history. This is particularly relevant if you have medical conditions such as angina, depression, other mood-related disorders, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, liver disease (like cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver failure), arrhythmia or any allergies to food or medicine.