Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis
Who's at highest risk?
Multiple sclerosis can strike men and women of any age. According to the National Institutes of Health, the majority of MS sufferers begin to notice symptoms in their 20s and 30s. Women are more frequently diagnosed with MS than men.
Diagnosis difficulties
In the early stages of the disease, multiple sclerosis can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms can be transitory. Possible signs of MS may appear briefly, then disappear for months at a time before reappearing.
Fluctuating symptoms
The symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis vary considerably based on the extent of nerve damage and the specific nerves that have been compromised.
Sporadic symptoms
In the early stages of multiple sclerosis symptoms can be sporadic in nature. Symptoms may intensify and then go into full remission. An increase in body temperature may exacerbate existing signs of the disease or set off new ones.
Pain & Numbness
One of the first signs of multiple sclerosis is numbness or weakness in only one side of your body or in one or more limbs. You also might feel a tingling sensation or pain in certain areas of your body.
Vision problems
In some cases, multiple sclerosis can impair your eyesight. Signs of MS may include double vision or blurred vision, and in more extreme cases, partial or total loss of sight. You may experience pain during eye movement.
Tremors, Shocks & Fatigue
Other possible indicators of multiple sclerosis include electric-shock sensations during certain head gestures, tremors, loss of coordination, dizziness and fatigue.