Natural Herbs for MS

To date there is no cure for MS (Multiple Sclerosis). There are many medications, vitamins, herbs and other natural ways to help alleviate many of the very challenging symptoms. Some of these methods come from medical doctors, nutritionists, Chinese herbalists and naturopathic doctors, and from patients who have tried things that seem to work for them.
  1. What is Multiple Sclerosis

    • The definition provided by National Multiple Sclerosis Society is as follows: Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic and disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system which includes brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. Symptoms can be mild or severe. The progress and severity of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another.

    Natural Herbal Remedies

    • According to the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Center there are many herbal remedies that alleviate the aggravating symptoms of MS. Herbalists use a variety of extracts from plants in the form of fluids, tablets and teas that you can brew. Some of the herbs recommended are:
      *Agrimony--supports liver and digestion
      *Ashwanda--helps nerve exhaustion and loss of muscular energy
      *Chamomile--calms the mind and body
      *Echinacea--supports the immune system

    More Natural herbs

    • The list of natural herbs that benefit MS is quite long and has many opinions from professionals in the healing field. Every person with MS will have a different response to each and everyone of these herbs.
      *Hawthorne berry is good for stress
      *Liquorice is an anti-inflammatory
      *Cramp Bark is good for muscle cramps
      *Sage is an antispasmotic
      *Wood betony nourishes the nervous system

      It always makes good sense to talk with your health provider before adding anything new to your treatment plan.

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