Herbal Treatment for MS
Symptoms of MS
The symptom of MS are not the same for everyone. Some people might experience visual difficulties such as blurry vision, partial blindness, color blindness or double vision. Muscular weakness and paralysis, either temporary or permanent, might also result. MS can prove painful and the individual might suffer from pins and needles, tingling, the sensation of electricity moving through muscles and unexplained pain. Coordination difficulties can also arise, and cognitive dysfunctions, bowel dysfunctions and sexual dysfunctions can also be attributed to the condition. Stomach ailments, exhaustion and even sleep disorders can also present themselves when a person suffers from MS. Fortunately, some herbs can be used in an effort to alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition.
Catnip is an herbal treatment that has sedative and antispasmodic properties. This herb can be consumed without the user feeling excess fatigue, and it is appreciated for its stress reducing properties as well. Catnip can be made into a tea from the fresh plant; dried leaves can be placed in a tea ball and steeped for three minutes in hot water. You can sweeten the tea to taste with honey for easier consumption; drinking a single cup a day to three cups daily can prove beneficial for people with MS. The fresh, dried herb can be placed directly in a tub of hot water for a bath that helps to sooth aching muscles.
Chamomile is another herb that can be consumed as a tea or used in the bathtub. If using the plant, the plant flowers can be dried and used to create a tea with a tea ball and a cup of hot water. You will want to use two teaspoons of the dried flower for every cup of tea that you consume This herb has natural sedative properties, promotes sound, productive sleep, soothes stomach ailments and can help to relax the muscles if used in a hot tub. Chamomile aromatherapy oil can also be burned; it smells pleasant and promotes relaxation.
Ginkgo Biloba
Recent studies have revealed that ginkgo biloba is a helpful herb in the treatment of MS and associated symptoms. Researchers say that gnkgo biloba helps in improving cognitive issues in people with MS. This herb also promotes general well being because it contains flavoglycosides, which are powerful antioxidants; this same ingredient offers protective effects to the neurons in the body and brain. A 120 milligram capsule of ginkgo biloba can be consumed with meals to improve cognitive functioning.