Severe Symptoms of MS
What is MS?
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that damages myelin, a soft, whitish, fatty substance that forms around the core of certain nerve fibers in the central nervous system. MS also damages the nerve fibers. This interferes with transmissions of the nerve signals between the spinal cord, the brain and other body parts. This disruption causes all primary symptoms of MS. The symptoms vary depending on where the myelin and nerve fiber damage occurs. Primary progressive MS is the most severe form of the disease. With this form, symptoms steadily worsen without a distinct relapse, in which symptoms improve and then worsen, or remission, in which symptoms improve or disappear.
Physical Symptoms of MS
You may experience severe muscle problems, resulting in stiff movements (spasticity), uncontrollable shaking or tremors (ataxia). You may find that you drag your legs and are especially clumsy due to a lack of coordination. Vertigo is often present. All of these symptoms can force you to use a wheelchair.
MS often causes varying degrees of pain. Neuropathic pain causes odd skin sensations or burning at the slightest touch. Musculoskeletal pain usually results from the excess pressure on your joints and bones from spasms. Pain management can often be a cumbersome process in the management of your illness.
One of the more embarrassing symptoms of MS is urinary or bowel problems. MS can lead to constipation or bowel incontinence. It can also lead to an over- or under-active bladder. Your bladder will contract even though it is not full, or you do not pass all of your urine at one time, leaving your bladder feeling full.
Vertigo is a common severe symptom of MS, making you feel off balance. You may feel dizzy or lightheaded as a result of this symptom. Worst of all, this symptom makes you feel as if the room is spinning around.
Emotional Symptoms of MS
As a result of MS, you may experience emotional problems. This debilitating illness is life-altering and puts tremendous strain on you and your family. You may become depressed as you experience relapses. You should seek medical attention if you feel self-hate or the desire to hurt yourself to end your problems. Anxiety may also become a part of your everyday life. This usually results from the overwhelming feeling of a lack of control of your own body. One of the oddest emotional problems you may experience is excessive and inappropriate happiness or sadness. All of these emotional problems can be managed with the help of a mental health professional.
Sexual Symptoms of MS
Unfortunately, the damage that MS causes can affect your sex life. Men may experience male erectile dysfunction or impotence. Women may also experience female sex dysfunction. Although these conditions usually have physical sources, they may also have emotional sources. Often depression and anxiety can lead to sexual dysfunctions. These symptoms may also be medically treated with some success.
Cognitive Symptoms of MS
You may find the cognitive symptoms of MS as difficult as all the other symptoms combined. You may experience memory loss or difficulty finding the words you want to say. You may have a difficult time completing even simple things due to a reduced attention span. Concentrating on things for an extended period of time can often become impossible. You may even find that all of these symptoms make it hard for you to learn new things.
MS will likely change your life and the lives of your family and friends. However, having knowledge of what to expect can help you to accept what is not in your control. There are many people who successfully live with MS, and you can, too.