What Are the Treatments for Secondary Progressive MS?
The two types of interferon pharmaceutical treatments are beta 1-a (Avonex and Rebif) and beta-1b (Beteseron and Extavia). Depending on the name brand, the injections vary in frequency, from weekly to several times a week, and are self-injected either under the skin or into the muscle.
Glatimamer (Capaxone) is a daily self-injection under the skin. Patients report relatively mild side effects, from a rash to redness and swelling at the injection site.
Initially used to treat certain cancers, mitoxantrone (Novantrone) is the only drug treatment approved specifically for SPMS. This treatment is given intravenously (IV) by a health care professional at home or at a doctor's office, once every three months, with a limit of eight to 12 treatments over a two- to three-year period.
Administered intravenously, natalizumab (Tysabri), is given once every four weeks. Special precautions are in place due to the possible fatal side-effect of PML: abrain infection. The FDA required Biogen, the maker of Tysabri, to institute a program--since named TOUCH--for the safe distribution and administration of the drug.
When an MS flare-up, or exacerbation, occurs due to inflammation of the nerve fibers, a corticosteroid treatment is often prescribed to help reduce both the severity of the symptoms and the length of time the flare-up lasts. Steroid treatments in pill form, such as Prednisone, are self-administered at home. More severe symptoms may require that steroids, such as Solu-Medrol or Decadron, are administered intravenously (IV).
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