Medication to Treat MS
Costicosteroids are the most common drug treatment for multiple sclerosis, according to These medications alleviate inflammation during a relapse.
These drugs, which include Betaseron and Avonex, slow the progression of MS symptoms. Their side effects include serious liver damage, according to MayoClinic.
Glatiramer blocks the immune system's attacking of myelin. The drug is injected daily, and has side effects including shortness of breath and flushing after injection.
This drug is usually used for those that see no positive effects from other treatments, according to Natilizumab interferes with the passage of harmful immune cells into your brain, but it puts users at risk of brain infection.
This immunosuppressant is generally used only in patients with advanced multiple sclerosis. It may help alleviate symptoms, but it can be damaging to the heart.