How to Fix a Torn Muscle
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Ace bandage
- Exercise band
See the doctor to determine your bone is not broken and you have not torn any tendons. If you have been given a confirmation of a torn muscle by your doctor, he or she will let you return home to rest it.
Follow the R.I.C.E. treatment. The R.I.C.E. treatment is useful for any sprain---it stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Wrap your torn muscle with an ace bandage and elevate it so any blood does not collect in the foot. Place ice on the foot and rest it for the first few days.
Participate in passive stretching. When you do not feel any pain in your torn muscle, which may take up to a few weeks, you can start gently stretching it. If you have torn your calf muscle, while sitting down with your leg extended, flex your toes and reach slowly towards your foot with your hands. Repeat approximately 10 times. If you feel any pain, do a more gentle stretch like rolling your ankle up and down and from side-to-side.
Participate in active stretching as soon as you can walk on your foot. Stand and reach down to touch your toes. If you are suffering from a calf injury, very gently lunge your non-injured leg in front of the injured leg to stretch out the muscle.
Practice resistance exercises. Take an exercise band and place the center of it under your toes. Hold either end of the band with your hands and gently press your foot down while lifting on the bands. Gently stretch your leg while using the resistance band, paying specific attention to stiff or sore areas.
See your doctor when you feel you are pain-free. He or she can determine whether or not you will be able to do vigorous exercise again.