Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia
Acid Reflux
One of the most common symptoms of hiatal hernia is acid reflux, a condition characterized by the backwashing of food and gastric acids from the stomach into the esophagus. Hiatal hernia causes this condition by weakening the lower esophageal sphincter and causing it to malfunction. The LES is a ring of muscle that serves as a valve to keep the stomach's contents in the stomach.
When stomach fluids are refluxed, the acidic content of these fluids irritates or inflames the unprotected cell tissue that lines the esophagus. This causes a warm, burning sensation or pain in the chest that radiates upward from the stomach toward the mouth. This usually occurs during or after eating a meal.
Regurgitation also results from the weakening of the LES by a hiatal hernia. This allows undigested food in the stomach to be evacuated up and into the esophagus. These stomach contents may be regurgitated all the way up into the throat and even into the mouth.
Belching and Nausea
Another symptom of hiatal hernia is belching. Belching results when gas that accumulates in the stomach is released through the weakened LES. This gas would otherwise be contained in the stomach most of the time.
In severe cases of hiatal hernia, complications may develop. For example, if a hiatal hernia is twisted or strangulated it cuts off blood supply. A strangulated hiatal hernia causes difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) and severe chest pain.
Symptoms of a hiatal hernia are triggered or aggravated when you lie down, lean forward or strain from lifting a heavy object. These symptoms may also develop or worsen in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is because the enlarging uterus can push the stomach upward against the diaphragm, affecting the LES and aggravating the symptoms of hiatal hernia.