Calf Muscle Problems
Strain Symptoms
If you are in pain, have swelling or find it difficult to contract your calf muscles, you may be experiencing calf strain. The inability of a tightened calf muscle to meet progressively increased strain is a problem for many athletes.
Strain Treatment
Calf muscle strain can be more serious than it appears, Rest and apply cold to the calf to reduce swelling. In some cases, healing pads and sports rehabilitation may be needed for a full recovery. You can also use heel pads in your shoes to prevent imbalances.
To prevent calf strain, stretch frequently, drink plenty of water and take potassium. Progressive strength-training exercises also are effective at making your calves more resistant to strain and injury.
If your calves are strained, don't return to full training until the swelling has gone away, your range of motion has been restored and you can run, jump and sprint without pain.
To exercise your calves, lift your heels in the air while keeping the balls of the feet on the ground. Add resistance by holding dumbbells at your side or by holding a barbell in front of you. You also can strengthen your calves by using a leg press machine.