Symptoms of a Pulled Muscle
Sudden Pain
Right away, or within a couple of minutes, you will feel a sharp pain in the affected area. This pain can feel like a deep sting.
Jabbing Pain
If pressure is applied to the affected area, you may experience jabbing pain. Jabbing pain will feel like a deep pain that is turned on and off repeatedly.
Limited Movement
The muscle may have limited movement. The more you try to move the muscle, the more pain it causes you, which will make you have limited mobility.
Hard Feeling
Your muscle may feel hard. When you try to move your muscle, you may feel it harden on the inside of your body. When you apply pressure with your hand you will also feel the hardness on the outside of your body.
Local Swelling
Depending on the severity of the pulled muscle, you may experience local swelling. This is when the affected area becomes swollen.