How to Treat a Pulled Groin Muscle
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Heat compress
- Anti-inflammatory medication
Stop the activity that caused the muscle pull, at least temporarily. Minor muscle pulls may merely require a minor cutback or limitation of the offending activity until the pain subsides. Let pain be the guide. If it hurts, that is the body's way of saying, "don't do this." Listen to it.
Relax. Sit down or lay down, whichever position is most comfortable. Whenever the body is injured, it needs a bit of time to heal. So slow down and let the healing begin.
Put ice on the inflamed area to help calm it down. This works best if applied within the first 24 hours. After 72 hours, ice may not provide much help. Ice for 15 to 20 minutes, several times a day.
Take anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin, ibuprofen or other medications as recommended or prescribed by your physician. Consult your health care provider before taking any medications.
Limit strenuous physical activity. For a medium muscle strain, the restriction of strenuous physical activity may be all that is needed to feel better within a matter of days.
Make a doctor's appointment if the groin pull doesn't appear to be healing or if it gets worse or becomes more painful. Ask your physician about muscle relaxants. If it is appropriate for the condition, a doctor will prescribe this kind of medication to keep the muscle pull from becoming more painful.
Begin gentle stretching exercises when the muscle begins to heal or as the physician suggests. Be careful, however, as too much or the wrong kind of exercise could cause additional muscle strain. Heating the injured area before stretching can be helpful.
Try structured physical therapy. It is always best to exercise the muscle as outlined by someone with expertise in the area. A physical therapist can develop a program that will prevent the muscle from being re-injured, as well as a guide on how to strengthen it to prevent future injury.