Testoserone Boosters
Testosterone is a is a naturally occurring steroid hormone created by both males and females. As men age, their testosterone production decreases markedly, causing symptoms like muscle weakness, fatigue and depression. A prohormone supplement can be prescribed by a doctor to fight the effects of aging in men over 45.
Testosterone-boosting supplements are legal, but raw testosterone hormone is a controlled substance that can only be prescribed by a doctor to treat a specific illness. Many testosterone supplements, however, directly stimulate the body's production of testosterone, mimicking the effects of taking the hormone directly. Taking these without medical supervision carries significant risks.
Testosterone drug abuse has severe consequences. When used over a long period of time, it leads to the destruction of the body's hormone producing glands. This means that the testes will almost always shrink, and that the body cannot recover its ability to produce the hormone naturally. When taken in moderate, controlled dosages, the side effects are minimal, but it won't lead to a dramatic effect in terms of muscle building.
Testosterone and testosterone prohormone supplements can lead to substantial boosts in muscle growth when combined with regular weight training and a diet high in both protein and caloric intake. In women, testosterone boosters can lead to the development of male secondary sex characteristics, such as a deepened voice, body hair growth and more.
Taking testosterone supplements of any kind is likely to be counter-productive unless the body has an objectively verified hormone deficiency. The body's hormone production systems are extraordinarily fine-tuned to produce a correct amount of testosterone for the individual's body weight and muscle mass. Interfering with that system artificially almost always leads to life-long health consequences. Even when prescribed and monitored, testosterone boosters can lead to decreased kidney and liver function.