How To Reverse Carpal Tunnel Syndrome With Exercise
Hold out your arms in front of you at chest level. Spread out your fingers and position your hands as though you are looking at your nails. You should feel the stretching in your fingers and wrists. Hold the extended position for a count of five, then relax. Do these in reps of 10.
Extend out your arms, again at chest level. Keep your hands level with your arm so that they do not sag. This helps to strengthen the muscles in the wrists by simply using them to lift your hands.
Keep your arms at chest level. Ball your hands into fists to strengthen other muscles in the wrists. Hold the fist for a second. Release the tension and do it again. Do these in reps of 10.
Lower your hands into a downward direction while holding your arms out to help stretch the muscles on top of your wrists. Hold the bottom position for a second. Then bring your hands back up. Do these in reps of 10.
Move your wrists in a circular fashion while you have your arms extended. Do this slowly, so you feel the stress in your wrists being worked out. Do this for a minute or two.