How to Manage Spasms
Things You'll Need
- Nutritious diet
- Water
- Multi-vitamin
- Massage
- Heat
See your doctor if you're having repeated muscle spasms. Your doctor will help you pinpoint the exact cause of the spasms. Once you know the source, you can make changes to prevent them.
Take it easy. For a few days, limit the amount of time you spend on the muscles experiencing spasms. If your muscles are damaged, give them a few days to recover to prevent future spasms.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Poor nutrition can cause muscle spasms. Consume a healthy, nutritional diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Take a daily multi-vitamin to ensure you are covered, and eat fresh food as well.
Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Dehydration causes and exacerbates muscle spasms. Make sure you are fully hydrated at all times.
Stretch the areas. Flexibility helps to prevent muscle spasms. Incorporate a daily stretching routine into your life. Take your time to stretch the muscles that tend to spasm.
Massage the muscles. Keep your pressure steady and gentle. Too much pressure can damage the muscles and worsen the spasms.
Apply heat. Don't apply heat directly after a spasm because it can increase inflammation. Instead, make heat application part of your daily routine to prevent spasms. The heat increases circulation to the area and aids in flexibility.