How to Give a Shoulder Massage
Decide the sitting position. This should be an upright position. A low back chair or a couch could work just fine.
Start the massage on the neck region. Both hands should be used. Take your fingers and apply pressure to each side of the neck. Then move inward with circular motions until your fingers on both hands are touching. Be sure that you apply pressure but you should not press hard enough to have the receiver cry out in pain.
Move downward towards the base of their neck. Continue in a circular motion with only your fingertips. Once you have reached the base of their neck, move outward until your fingers are on the sides once again.
Massage the shoulders next. Use your fingers in a grabbing motion. This should be done with both hands. Be sure to massage only the muscle of the shoulder and not the blade. Continue to move back and fourth over the entire muscle area.
Repeat steps 1 through 5 until they are completely relaxed and their muscles are loose.